Wednesday, January 26, 2011

10th PESS Comittee Nomination

Hey all,

It is time to be rid of the old and bring in the new! PESS will be having an nomination drive for a new board of committee members and every single one of you has a part to play in determining the future of PESS!

Below are the positions open for nomination in the 10th PESS committee.

1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Business Manager (2 positions)
6. Sports Manager (2 positions)
7. Logistics Manager (2 positions)
8. Manpower Manager (2 positions)
9. Publicity Manager (2 positions)

How to nominate:

1.Get the nomination slip from your class rep and fill them up! Duh!?
2. Drop the slip into the nomination box on Wednesday, 2nd Feb 2011 between 1030-1130hr in the canteen PE corner.

So if you have any PESS mates in mind whom you think will make a great committee member in any of the positions above, what are you waiting for!? Vote for him/her! And if you so feel that burning desire in you to affect changes and improvement in PESS, you can even vote for yourself! We need people who are driven and passionate in making PESS an even more awesome community than it is now! As such, PLEASE DON'T "SABO" YOUR FRIENDS!

Thank you!
Muhammad (Maad)
Vice President, 9th PESS committee

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